James Douglas
Any way you could look again at this? The functionality of the site would be enhanced significantly if we could use iframes to insert content into a block
James Douglas
any update on this on?
James Douglas, After finding some vulnerabilities with the iframe on the network, we realized we'll need to build each integration as a block. We will be building each iframe need as it's own block, where you just paste the link and we build the iframe ourselves on the backend.
We're actually meeting about this with the dev team tomorrow. What specific iframe need(s) do you have? For example, "I want to embed google maps" or "Google maps and we also need jot form embeds" etc. I'll bring it up to the team.
James Douglas
Corey: Well, google maps, google forms, youtube, sermon audio, spotify, but also from our church software (something like this <i f r a m e src="https://onrealm.org/NorthHillsChurch/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=YzNiNDJkNDUtOTZkZC00MGEzLWFlNTUtYWJmMzAxMTE4MzQz&congregantView=true&hideNav=true" width="100%" max-width="1050" height="700" style="overflow: auto;"></iframe>
and along with the above they also use https://www.acstechnologies.com/
under review